Thursday, May 21, 2009

Art in the afternoon

The big kids spent a happy hour coloring outside.


Liisa spent a day dividing my irises last Fall. I was grateful then, but am even more so now!

Nora's Fifth Birthday

We had our decorations up all day. Helena approved and had much to say about them. Nora and Henry helped make cupcakes on Tuesday afternoon and the we decorated them in the morning. The kids at play group sang to Nora and everyone enjoyed the cupcakes. There was a near tragedy when Henry's foot mashed Nora's cupcake as he was sitting down, but a new cupcake appeased the birthday girl and Caleb generously accepted the damaged cake.

At her 5 year Dr. visit Nora was deemed healthy, with good vision and blood pressure. She weighs 36.5 lbs (16.5 K, 30th percentile) and is 3 ft. 4 in. (102 cm, 20th percentile) tall. She had two shots and didn't cry or fuss at all.
Nora requested egg salad pitas, pasta salad and glazed carrots for her birthday dinner.There were lots of presents to open from family and friends, including her first accordion.It's good to be five.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Kitchen 4:30 pm

The dishwasher is running, there is granola in the oven, and Nora is rolling out tortillas for dinner.