This was taken about 2 weeks ago. And now she looks like this! Nora noticed that her top tooth was loose Sunday morning. She spent the last three days with the tooth sticking out at odd angles and this morning it came out.
We checked a book from the 1-2-3 Draw series out from the library. On the first day Nora tried a birdand Henry drew a pig next to a flower.Nora also drew a picture of the little computer starting up. Sign of the times.
This is something that we started to call Henry after a conversation about pre-birth names for Helena. We called Nora "Butterbean" and Henry "Urho" before they had actual names. We were asking Nora what we should call a new baby and she suggested "Bad Guy Danger." Well, it was too funny not to use immediately and it became a nickname for Henry. Of course, as Nora mentioned later, "Henry isn't really a bad guy."