Thursday, July 19, 2012

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Penny reads Dr. Suess

 All of the kids love looking at books and being read to.
This makes me so happy.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Playing with her toes

A new and amusing pastime has been discovered.


The kids painted a couple pictures one warm afternoon on our patio.
 This is Helena's "two-legged dinosaur in the woods."

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

An early birthday party for Kirsti

Anja helped the kids get a fiesta together for me. There was a pinata that Penny took a ride on before we hung it up.
 Everyone wore sombreros.

Penny loved whacking the pinata, but was a danger to herself and others when wielding a long stick.
We ate the cupcakes that I made from the other half of Penny's birthday cake batter and put in the freezer.

Sleeping baby

Still a sweet sight.