This year Nora, Henry, and Helena had lessons for the last two-week session at the city pool.
Everyone had a good time and improved their skills.
Penny spent the time digging in the sandpit or playing in the wading pool once it opened.
Nora and Henry also had one week of lessons just before the pool closed for the year. Henry was in a class of all boys and Nora was the only one at her skill level, so she got one-on-one instruction.
This is something that we started to call Henry after a conversation about pre-birth names for Helena. We called Nora "Butterbean" and Henry "Urho" before they had actual names. We were asking Nora what we should call a new baby and she suggested "Bad Guy Danger." Well, it was too funny not to use immediately and it became a nickname for Henry. Of course, as Nora mentioned later, "Henry isn't really a bad guy."