I wanted to write a little about what Henry is like while I remember. At eighteen months old he is getting pretty good at using the spoon at mealtimes. He is an enthusiastic eater overall, trying most things that he is offered. On Saturday he added the word "mah-may" to his vocabulary. And no, that isn't mommy, it is short for edamame (young soy beans). He likes most vegetables but his favorites are those that are red, orange or yellow.
He has been using words for a while but is adding them quickly now. He tends to repeat the last word said to him. About a week ago he started nodding while saying "yeah, yeah" and shaking his head with "ei" (no) so now he can answer questions. His first handful of words were: up, kukka (flower), auto (car), hi.
Henry and Nora get along well. There is occasional teasing, but life is much more fun with a sibling for company. Henry loved to watch Nora when he was a baby and some of his first smiles were for her.
He loves cars, trucks, vehicles of any kind. He excitedly points them out with an "Auto, auto." Big vehicles get a deep, baby growl of "ko, ko."
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