Here is the recipe we used.
In a saucepan combine
1 cup flour
1/2 cup salt
2 tsp. cream of tartar
Stir together.
Slowly add 1 cup water
1 Tbsp. oil
food coloring
Stir until smooth.
Cook, stirring, over medium heat until dough comes together in a ball. Cool and knead until smooth. Will keep in an airtight container.
We did play dough on Thursday and I tried a new recipe:
4 cups flour
1 cup salt
1/2 cup cream of tartar
4 cups water
Then you're supposed to cook it on the stove as yours says, but I tried putting it all in the Bosch mixer with boiling water. It didn't set quite so well and it needed another cup of flour, but we got it working.
I used a recipe just like the one you posted last time, but I couldn't find it. Now it's in a place I'll remember. :)
That is exactly why I posted the recipe, so that I will be able to find it next time!
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