It is cold outside, but we got several inches of snow overnight so I sent the big kids out to play. Notice the fingernails on the hand chair.Here you can see the vestiges of Henry's bruise from bumping into the footstool after jumping on to a pile of pillows. They cleared snow off the back patio, waded through the yard, and ate some snow.And when they came inside we had tea and a gingerbread cookie.
This is something that we started to call Henry after a conversation about pre-birth names for Helena. We called Nora "Butterbean" and Henry "Urho" before they had actual names. We were asking Nora what we should call a new baby and she suggested "Bad Guy Danger." Well, it was too funny not to use immediately and it became a nickname for Henry. Of course, as Nora mentioned later, "Henry isn't really a bad guy."
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