Monday, January 28, 2008


It is rare that we get much of an accumulation here and snow that stays is rarer still. Sunday we had a lot of snow and today it was still there to play in. Henry wasn't sure what he thought of the winter weather at first, but he didn't want to go inside when it was time to warm up. He did like being pulled around in the sled. Mark helped the kids build a snowman this afternoon.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

More kitchen help

We made "Blueberry Boy Bait" (a blueberry coffee cake) from America's Best Lost Recipes for playgroup today. It had a satisfying number of dry ingredients to add.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Friday, January 18, 2008


The Oscar Mayer wienermobile was in town this week, so of course we planned a visit. We had lunch at Burger King (exciting) and then saw the hot dog as it arrived (even more exciting). The kids each got a whistle shaped like the wienermobile.

Saturday, January 12, 2008


We made whole wheat sugar cookies today. I have two eager helpers. First Nora added the sugar, then Henry added the baking soda, then Nora added the salt, then Henry added the baking powder... and so on through the nutmeg, cinnamon and flour (1 cup each). I added all the wet ingredients. I try to encourage the participation, because I know they won't always be this interested. But sometimes I do have to forbid "help" when something needs to be done.

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Nora had her first visit to the dentist today. She had a great time. They counted her teeth and complimented her gums; and she got a new toothbrush and a pink rubber frog. She also told the dentist her name, which is usually a question she has me answer.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New year, new haircut

Nora gets her hair cut at the local beauty school. They do a good job and when the cut is for a child, style is not my primary concern. It turned out a little shorter than usual, but we like it.