Saturday, May 21, 2011

Nora's Seventh Birthday

Nora stretched her celebrations over most of the month of May. We had cake and presents when Anja was in town, another cake with Liisa, and then her actual birthday. She opened her package from Grandma first thing in the morning. A new dress! And a book and an embroidered book bag. Grace came over a little later. They played for a while and then everyone designed their own pizza. Grace's had a cute topping face, Henry's had "a pile of cheese, " and Helena only used cheese and olives. After lunch Nora opened the present from Grace: a tent for Violet! She went camping immediately. They had tea outside in the afternoon. Mimmu and Iso joined us for dinner. There were presents before and after. The menu:
Beer Bread
Henry's Favorite Chicken (teriyaki)
Potato Salad
Glazed Carrots
Roasted Aparagus
Sparkling Lemonade
And a Finnish strawberry layer cake topped with a "7" candle for dessert. It was a very happy birthday.

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