Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday

It was a very full day. The kids woke up a little before 6 AM. They had to wait a little while for Mark to wake up before I let them get their Easter baskets. We had bacon, eggs, and blueberry scones for breakfast. We had a treats at church before the service (muffins, fruit, and juice). After church we went to Mimmu and Iso's house for lunch with the aunts and some friends. The kids hunted for eggs before lunch. Penny was a quick study on finding eggs. The eggs are color-coded and each child hunts for one color.We ate salmon and ham, potato salad, bread, asparagus, and two yummy desserts. And candy. Penny likes to stick close to Mimmu at dessert time.

1 comment:

opramum said...

How funny, because mimmu loves her desserts too! I love reading your blog, Kirsti.