Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Finland : A day at the cabin

Millie slept a little better. She woke at 2.30 but was back in bed by 4 after having some milk. The other kids had cereal and yogurt and cream crackers with marmalade when they woke up. I slept until 7.30. We put the extensions to the dock in place and the kids played in the water.
Anja and I swam before lunch. We ate stir fry outside at the cabin. We put Millie down for a nap in the cabin and the kids swam again.
Helvi and Osmo came in a cab and we tried getting the pump ready to put in the lake.
It is so sweet to see these people with my children.
 We were missing a part so that had to wait, but we did get the stand and most of the pipe ready.
I translated for the men. And while I speak Finnish and English, I do not speak Handyman.
We had coffee on the cabin porch because it was raining.
The kids went up in the cabin loft for the first time. Anja and I went to Vääksy to stock up on ice cream cones. We cooked sausages and marshmallows by the lake and saunaed.

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