Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Challenge : a bathroom

Another spring cleaning challenge from Mystie. You should join! You might win a scarf, but everyone gets a cleaner, prettier house. :)

I picked the master bath to focus on. It is the poor, neglected, ugly stepchild of a bathroom in our house. It isn't ever used by guests and tends to be cleaned one area at a time. This week was different. I started at the top and dusted the light fixture. And I dusted the baseboards. I wiped off the cabinets and washed the floor. The shower was thoroughly scrubbed. I also did all the usual things like cleaning the sink, counters, toilet, and mirror. But they are all done at the same time! I almost quit at "clean enough" but I'm glad I didn't. I didn't do a beautifying touch because a clean bathroom is pretty enough for me.

1 comment:

Mystie said...

A completely clean room is definitely beautiful in itself. :)

Good job!